How to Join and Play Bingo on the Televeda Application
How to Play Televeda Bingo as an Individual or as a Venue
This article will explain how to play bingo on the Televeda Application. You can either play as an individual or you can play in a group.
How to Join and Publish Your Camera and Microphone
Go to our lobby at Once the game starts it will be listed under Live Now. Click on the purple Join Game Button. This button will only be enabled at the official time when the game starts.

By default, the game will start with everyone's cameras and microphones off. If the host publishes you, you will get a pop-up asking for permission. Please click allow if you would like the other players to hear and see you. Sometimes the host will prefer to play with participants unpublished.

You can change your selected microphone and camera by clicking on Settings .

After the host publishes you, you will be able to switch on and off your camera and microphone by clicking on these two buttons.

Joining as an Individual
If you're joining as an individual player you don't need a bingo card before the game start. You will get a digital card on your screen as you join.
Select the Join as an Individual option.

A digital card will display on the screen. Click on the numbers as the host calls them out.

If you have bingo click on the orange Bingo button. The online host will check the player's card, and if correctly verified, the player who called Bingo first is the winner.
Click on Video Panel to see the host and published players and on Member chat to interact with other players via the chat feature.

Joining as an Individual Video
Please watch this video if you would like to know more about joining as an individual.
How to Join Bingo as an Individual
Joining as a Venue
If you're a group wanting to join bingo on one device, please follow these instructions:
Please email us at prior to the event and we will send you official serialized bingo cards in this format. Please print them out and distribute them to the in-house participants before the game. We recommend using an attendance sheet to keep track of which member has which bingo card.

Select the Join as a Venue option.

Enter your Venue Name. This will be the display name on your video stream.

This is what you'll see on your screen when joining as a venue.

Your group members can mark the numbers on their cards as the host on the screen calls them out.
If someone in the group has bingo click on the orange Bingo button.
You will be asked to enter the unique bingo card number, of the first person to call out bingo.

This number can be found on the winner's bingo card, or you can reference your attendance sheet for easy access.

Joining as a Venue Video
Please watch this video if you would like to know more about joining as a venue.
How to Join Bingo as a Venue
Rules of the game
Click on the trophy in the top-right corner.

The host will update the rules as we play.

Need Help?
Click on the question mark in the top-right corner.

Contact Tech Support will open a live chat bar where you can get help from the Televeda team.
Read Rules will open a helpdesk article in a new tab, with the rules of the game.
Still Have Questions?
Please contact our support team if you're still unsure about anything.
Phone Number: +1 (833) 299-1449 (toll-free)
Live Chat (click this URL and open the chat box)
Updated on: 04/07/2023
Thank you!