Articles on: Host Instructors

How to Moderate Participants in a Virtual Talking Circle (VTC)

How to Moderate Participants as a VTC Facilitator

How to Mute a Participant and Turn off Their Camera

It's important to note that in VTC (talking circles), the mute and unmute features work differently for participants compared to live Televeda classes. Participants can always turn on their cameras even if they don't have the token, but they can only unmute if they have the token.

If you ever need to turn off the camera or microphone for a participant, follow these steps:

Click on the three ellipses next to their name in the Participants tab.
Click on Mute to mute them or Stop Video to turn off their camera.
You can also unmute them and turn on their camera again from the same menu.

Please note: If you mute a participant, they can unmute themselves on their side.

In a talking circle, a participant can always turn on their camera even if they don't have the token, but they can only unmute if they have the token.

How to Remove a Disruptive Participant

To remove a disruptive participant:

Click on the three ellipses next to their name in the Participants tab.
Click on Remove from Session.

How to Moderate the Chat

To moderate the chat:

Click on the X next to any message to delete it.

Note: Only the facilitator has this right.

Suspending Participants from Televeda

Please contact our support team if you would like to report a participant for suspension.
Users who violate community guidelines will be permanently suspended from Televeda.

Phone Number: +1 (833) 299-1449 (toll-free)
Live Chat: (click this URL and open the chat box)

Updated on: 04/06/2024

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